Forums - MvC2: how do you beat the WOS Spiral trap? Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: how do you beat the WOS Spiral trap? ( Posted by johhnyrocket on 02:28:2002 03:49 PM: MvC2: how do you beat the WOS Spiral trap? Somebody please tell me an easy way to get past spiral's wos trap??? Or, anyway at all......I'm desperate. Posted by Akira Llamo on 02:28:2002 05:37 PM: ugh stop being so desperate and ask like a man YO, biznitches. Can I get sum help up 'N' heeha well, not exactly like that. Posted by Javier C. on 02:28:2002 06:45 PM: Press ur opponent's Start button,hehe Posted by Phobos on 02:28:2002 07:29 PM: ruby heart Posted by Venturi00 on 02:28:2002 07:55 PM: I play a lot of spiral...there are a few ways to get around it ( i really hate it but ill tell ya). One way is have a good assist that destroys projectiles. Or a good projectile that eats projectiles ie storms typhoon. The way you use the assist is this. lets say you have cable on point and sentinal or cyke on assist. if you are being trapped call out cyke or sent (cammy may be real good because shes invincible during her cannon spyke). you may get hit by a knife or two..but this is what happens. the assist will eat a couple of knives leaving you a hole to shoot an ahvb. try it enough times youll see what im talking about. Black heart is a character that spiral hates. she cant totally contain him and its hard for her to avoid the demon trap. one stray demon hits her then its off to heart of darkness. this really hurts because she cant take a hit. Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 02:28:2002 08:48 PM: Doom, Storm, Cyclops, Marrow, Strider, Omega Red, and Sentinel are probably the best characters for beating WOS... Storm and Sentinel just use standard tactics and you shouldn't have any problems... Marrow beats swords with Bonerangs... Omega Red RH can hit spiral when she's on the ground... Strider, she shouldn't even be able to start the trap... Cyclops can use Mega Optic Blast to chip like mad and knock swords out of the air... other than that, have an assist with invincibility... such as Ken, Cammy, Cyclops, etc... Posted by MARVELFREAK on 02:28:2002 11:22 PM: There are a lot of characters that can stop Spiral. Ken, Cyke, Capcom, Storm, all have assists that go through swords. And if you have Cable/Assist, and use the assist to take knives, don't AHVB unless you know it'll connect, cuz Spiral can just teleport and punish you severely. Blackheart and Doom can give Spiral trouble on point, so can Storm, Sent, Cable, etc. Posted by KaiSing on 03:01:2002 12:36 AM: actually Orion, Strider doesn't beat spiral. Spiral is actually strider's worst match in the top tier. She can out trap him, out chip him, and out build him. Strider's only advantage over spiral is priority. If strider is going to beat spiral, he has to stay on her ass throughout the beginning of the match to the end. You're right about the rest though. Dunno about marrow since i don't use her... Posted by master ken on 03:01:2002 07:39 AM: Re: MvC2: how do you beat the WOS Spiral trap? quote: Originally posted by johhnyrocket Somebody please tell me an easy way to get past spiral's wos trap??? Or, anyway at all......I'm desperate. It takes a lot of work to kill her. The key is to not let her load her knives, which means you gotta rush the shit down on her. However, while you're rushing her down, you have to be carefull to not get hit by her AAA. The best characters VS spiral are magneto, storm, Sentinel, BH, Doom, and maybe Cable if played carefully. To make your life easier, pick cyc as your third character. He's got the best AAA against Spiral, it cleans up everything in front of you, especialy Sentinel. To break the trap, you just gotta hope she messes up her timing. For that, you have to mix up between push blocking and not push blocking. When you see an opening, call cyc imediatly and super jump. When you're at full screen and she tries to load her knives, use your projectile, like mag's fire ball or Doom's j.FP, or even Viper beam with Cable. You can also use Storm's projectile assist, it breaks out her jumping trap. Everytime she teleports, try to folow her up. If she teleports above your head, sj. and air combo, else try to grab her or launch her when she teleports on the ground. One of the easy counter teams to spiral is (mag, Sentinel, BH, Doom, or Cable)+storm+cyc. However, if your mag and Sentinel are average but not great, don't pick them up, she's gonna trap you all day long. So try out Cable/storm/cyc or Doom/Storm/Cyc. Hope that helps. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:01:2002 04:25 PM: Ruby Heart and Marrow are both good people to beat Spiral with, too. Duc's the big Spiral player, and Viscant can usually beat him with those two characters. Ruby: Use Sublimation to block knives and throw Fantomes during the gap. Use Hyper Schwarzaille to punish a teleport and try to out-meter build Spiral with j.rk. Marrow: Bonerangs go through knives. Use this to your advantage. Also, Feel Like Pain! punishes teleports and the Grab'N'Ride can be comboed directly into Spinal Explosion. You'll want someone like Sentinel to act as a human shield against the knives, too. Also, you'll probably want to bring Blackheart AAA to punish sword loads, no matter who you use. Runaway Storm gives Spiral a hard time, too. Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 03:01:2002 05:11 PM: With the Spiral vs Strider, if you've got a good enough Strider, she won' even be able to start her trap... but that match, IMHO, goes to whatever player has more skill... Posted by Geronimo on 03:01:2002 08:23 PM: You can try the assist-as-your-sheild technique. This jus means to call out your assist to eat the swords for you then you can get the hell outta there. Sentinel or anyone else thats big and/or can take some damage works really well. If you have Cable you can counter tag->AHVB (thats with the b assist). Having a AAA like Ken or Cyclops will help too. Cammy wont work all that well because she'll bounce right of the swords. Storm's pro. assist will cut right through the swords too. Recommended teams: - Sent.-Y/Cable-B/Cyc.-B_Ken-A - Storm-A/Cable-B/Cyc.-B_Ken-A - Storm-A/Sent.-Y/*** (Using Cammy, Commando, and possibly Mag.-A gives you a 100% combo, too ) Posted by Geronimo on 03:01:2002 08:39 PM: O yeah, I forgot: - Cammy and Commando are on AAA (A and B, respectively). - The best way to stop the WoS is to not let it start be staying on top of Spiral's ass. Magneto is good at this, Doom can keep the pressure on her, Blackheart can keep the demon-rain comin and Colossus's A or B assist can cut through swords AND still hit Spiral. - So more good teams are: Storm-A/Cable-B/Sent.-Y Col.-A_B/Mag.-A/Cyc.-B Storm-A/Doom-B/Cyc.-B_Ken-A [Team Viscant] Mag.-A/Storm-A/Col.-A_B Mag.-A/Cable-B/Cyc-B [Combofiend's Mag./B5 team] BH-B/Sent.-Y/CapCom-B [Team Watts] Storm-A/Sent.-Y/Cammy-A [Team Wong] BH-H/Cable-B-/Cyc.-B_CapCom-B Posted by fagneto on 03:02:2002 10:33 AM: Honestly, I haven't played a Spiral player in a real tourney lately because most people around here thinks she sucks. She takes a lot of damage. Yeah, Ruby blocks out the swords, then you can call out storm to typhoon. If you have cable, you can bring out your AAA and let him get hit to make a hole to shoot AHVB, and if she teleports, cancel into like Hail Storm or something. Anyhow, this is what I do to beat Spiral, I basically just use Magnus or Storm and rushdown. Rushing down works for me because I am quick enough to get close to Spiral the whole match. Basically the strategy is to keep putting pressure on her and never, and I do mean, NEVER let her get swords loaded. The way I like to play is either you get a head start or you lose. Basically just kill her before she can load any swords. Sentinel is also good. BTW, his low fierce (laser) will hit Spiral. Just time it so it hits her as she's throwing swords and it'll knock her out most of the time. Posted by Las Vegas Pimp on 03:03:2002 04:11 AM: Strider/Doom/AAA will work. Doom is your key. Posted by Gen2000 on 03:03:2002 04:56 AM: quote: She takes a lot of damage. Spiral only has a damage setting of 105%, just like Mags, Storm, Ken, and whoever else most people say takes alot of damage. 105% damage setting isn't that bad, not too far off from 100% (which is average). Posted by KaiSing on 03:03:2002 05:28 AM: quote: With the Spiral vs Strider, if you've got a good enough Strider, she won' even be able to start her trap... I still say strider/doom does not work on spiral. By the same token, if you have a good enough spiral, you won't let strider start his trap. Spiral has too many advantages over strider. She can teleport out of his trap, but he can't teleport out of hers because of the startup on his teleport. Spiral's teleport is also more mobile. I used Cyke/Strider/Doom on Duc's Spiral/Sent/Capcom first round in the tournament last saturday at SHGL. Duc's obviously a lot better than me, but if you were to see the match closely, you could tell there wasn't really much i could do with strider against spiral that would've given me a chance. hell, my rogue/cable/cyke team did better. Posted by Ouroborus on 03:03:2002 09:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by KaiSing I still say strider/doom does not work on spiral. By the same token, if you have a good enough spiral, you won't let strider start his trap. Spiral has too many advantages over strider. She can teleport out of his trap, but he can't teleport out of hers because of the startup on his teleport. Spiral's teleport is also more mobile. I used Cyke/Strider/Doom on Duc's Spiral/Sent/Capcom first round in the tournament last saturday at SHGL. Duc's obviously a lot better than me, but if you were to see the match closely, you could tell there wasn't really much i could do with strider against spiral that would've given me a chance. hell, my rogue/cable/cyke team did better. Just because you got owned by Duc Do's Spiral doesnt mean that Strider doesnt work on Spiral. Hell, I got owned by Soo Mighty's Magneto during B5, does that mean that Strider/Doom doesnt work on Magneto too? Strider has the advantage in the matchup. Strider can fight in close quarters, which is something Spiral has trouble with. Also, Strider's orbs doesnt get knocked away when he gets hit. Spirals teleport is more mobile? Not really. She still has recovery time which will let her eat rocks, orbs, etc. Posted by KaiSing on 03:03:2002 10:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus Just because you got owned by Duc Do's Spiral doesnt mean that Strider doesnt work on Spiral. Hell, I got owned by Soo Mighty's Magneto during B5, does that mean that Strider/Doom doesnt work on Magneto too? i never said that. Read what i said again. Even if my skills with strider were up to par with Duc's with spiral, i could tell i still probably would have lost. Duc knew how to keep me at bay and had a lot of ground covered with swords and Sentinel drones. quote: Strider has the advantage in the matchup. Strider can fight in close quarters, which is something Spiral has trouble with. Also, Strider's orbs doesnt get knocked away when he gets hit. Spirals teleport is more mobile? Not really. She still has recovery time which will let her eat rocks, orbs, etc. i can see what you're saying here too. This would defenitely apply if spiral doesn't have the proper assists backing her up. Maybe it's cuz most good spirals i play have sentinel ground assists backing them up. Strider/Doom against Spiral with an average assist might favor strider. Strider one on one with Spiral would favor spiral. And i think Spiral/Sent vs. Strider/Doom would favor spiral. All in all, Strider/Doom might work, depending on the assists spiral has backing her up. But you still forget that once spiral has strider locked down, strider can't do anything. And remember, in many of the setups to the Strider/Doom trap, although they no holes to run or jump away, they don't really stun spiral, which gives her time to teleport. Posted by Ouroborus on 03:03:2002 11:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by KaiSing i never said that. Read what i said again. Even if my skills with strider were up to par with Duc's with spiral, i could tell i still probably would have lost. Duc knew how to keep me at bay and had a lot of ground covered with swords and Sentinel drones. i can see what you're saying here too. This would defenitely apply if spiral doesn't have the proper assists backing her up. Maybe it's cuz most good spirals i play have sentinel ground assists backing them up. Strider/Doom against Spiral with an average assist might favor strider. Strider one on one with Spiral would favor spiral. And i think Spiral/Sent vs. Strider/Doom would favor spiral. All in all, Strider/Doom might work, depending on the assists spiral has backing her up. But you still forget that once spiral has strider locked down, strider can't do anything. And remember, in many of the setups to the Strider/Doom trap, although they no holes to run or jump away, they don't really stun spiral, which gives her time to teleport. You've got the orb super, cykes AAA, a good cross up teleport and prioritized moves and you are telling me that you cant keep spirals swords away from you and getting locked down? Spirals teleport aint gonna save you against strider. What you are doing is running, hopeing not to get clobbered by the orbs. Assuming you got out of the orbs, you still have to get swords and reposition yourself to throw them. How are you gonna do that when Strider is on hot pursuit for Spiral? Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 03:03:2002 02:00 PM: Really, again, it all depends on skill. They are a pretty close matchup, but I agree with Oroborus, Strider should win. Even more importantly, if you can find someone who has perfected Strider the way Duc has perfected Spiral, than I really think Strider would win. As said earlier, just stay on top of her and she can't touch you. Start the trap as soon as you can. She can't do much against it either. Teleport... She'll probably get hit by orbs when she leaves the teleport. Truthfully, Strider should win, although I've never seen a strider that is at such a high level it can compete with the high level spirals. Posted by loki on 03:03:2002 03:29 PM: Use an assist that will eat the swors, and/or hit spiral. if you can hit her and send her into the air, you can begin to pressure when she is coming down therefore changing the momentum of the match. joe tomasine Posted by KaiSing on 03:03:2002 09:33 PM: in my match, i had Cyke at point, who died first. =(. You wanna know why? Cuz i needed to get super meters with him. What's strider going to do when he runs out of supers? His main source of meter is rushing down with ground chains and calling his animals. Spiral's main objective at this time is to not let strider get close to her and she's going to get her swords sometime. when she does, strider can't summon the ouro again. he'll stop moving, then he dies. anyway, so this doesn't turn into a spiral vs. strider thread, i'll stay on topic. I find an effective tactic on spiral is to pull a super that gets her to teleport, (shinku hadoken, AHVB), then DHC into a super that will tag her when she reappears. (Hailstorm, Blodia Vulcan, Cajun Explosion) PS Ouro: Are you ever at golfland? Maybe i've played you before. were you there the friday before the tourney or last tuesday? Posted by Ouroborus on 03:04:2002 06:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by KaiSing in my match, i had Cyke at point, who died first. =(. You wanna know why? Cuz i needed to get super meters with him. What's strider going to do when he runs out of supers? His main source of meter is rushing down with ground chains and calling his animals. Spiral's main objective at this time is to not let strider get close to her and she's going to get her swords sometime. when she does, strider can't summon the ouro again. he'll stop moving, then he dies. anyway, so this doesn't turn into a spiral vs. strider thread, i'll stay on topic. I find an effective tactic on spiral is to pull a super that gets her to teleport, (shinku hadoken, AHVB), then DHC into a super that will tag her when she reappears. (Hailstorm, Blodia Vulcan, Cajun Explosion) PS Ouro: Are you ever at golfland? Maybe i've played you before. were you there the friday before the tourney or last tuesday? Lol, you dont need that much meter for strider to be effective. IMO, his most important weapon are his teleports. Whats strider gonna do without supers? Just teleport and rush until you can start the trap somehow. Theres like so many options you can do after teleporting. You can: -call cykes AAA which will clear out most stuff Spiral/Sent throws at you, -call doom -j.hp -double jump -do nothing which can bait out spirals assist and then you can call cyke, etc. -double jump and do any of the others mentioned above -double jump and wall jump and double jump again if you are at the corner. just be creative of what you are doing after teleporting. If Spiral trap Strider, hes dead, which goes for everyone else. (Magneto, Storm, BH, Sent., etc) but Spiral is gonna have a much harder time trapping Strider than Strider trapping Spiral. Since you have Cyke as an AAA, you can counter xx SOB on spiral which works pretty well too. Sorry I dont play in golfland. Hell I live 9 hours away from it. Posted by COPENHAGEN on 03:18:2002 09:50 AM: worst enemies of spiral, cable, doctor doom, blackheart, sentinel, storm, captain commando, omega red, cammy. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:46 PM. 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